Linklaters Training Contract Application Process

Linklaters Training Contract Application Process: Tips for Success

If you`re a law student currently navigating the murky waters of training contract applications, you`re not alone. The application process can be overwhelming, but with the right approach and some tips for success, you can improve your chances of securing a training contract with a top law firm like Linklaters.

First, it`s important to understand the application process itself. Linklaters, like many other firms, has a multi-stage process that typically includes an online application form, an online test, a video interview, and an assessment day. Each stage is designed to assess different aspects of your skills and suitability for the role.

So, how can you improve your chances of success at each stage of the process?

1. Online application form

The online application form is your chance to showcase your academic achievements, work experience, and motivation for pursuing a career in law. Make sure you take the time to fully complete the form, including any optional questions. This is also where you should mention any relevant extracurricular activities or interests that demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, or communication skills.

2. Online test

The online test is usually a situational judgment test (SJT) that assesses your ability to make ethical and professional judgments in a range of scenarios. You`ll need to read the scenario and select the most appropriate response from a list of options. The key to doing well in this test is to take your time, read the scenarios carefully, and think about the values and principles that a law firm like Linklaters would expect you to uphold.

3. Video interview

The video interview is your chance to showcase your communication skills and your knowledge of the firm. You`ll be asked a range of questions about your background, your interest in law, and your motivation for applying to Linklaters specifically. It`s important to prepare for this by researching the firm thoroughly, including its history, culture, and recent deals or cases. You should also practice your answers to common interview questions so that you can answer confidently and concisely.

4. Assessment day

The assessment day is the final stage of the process, and usually involves a range of activities such as group exercises, case studies, and individual interviews. This is where you`ll have the opportunity to demonstrate your teamwork, analytical skills, and ability to think on your feet. As with the video interview, it`s important to prepare for the assessment day by researching the firm and practicing your skills.

In summary, the key to success in the Linklaters training contract application process is preparation. Take the time to research the firm, practice your skills, and approach each stage of the process with professionalism and enthusiasm. Good luck!