Us Mexican Agreement

As of June 2019, the United States and Mexico have reached an agreement regarding immigration and trade policies. This agreement has come after months of negotiations and is expected to have a significant impact on both countries.

The new agreement aims to address border security concerns by strengthening immigration enforcement efforts and reducing the flow of migrants crossing into the United States. As part of the agreement, Mexico has agreed to deploy National Guard troops to its southern border with Guatemala to help prevent migrants from crossing into Mexico. Additionally, Mexico has agreed to take in more asylum seekers while their cases are being processed in the United States.

In terms of trade, the agreement includes provisions to increase the number of goods traded between the two countries. This includes the potential removal of tariffs on Mexican goods, which could be a major boost for Mexican exporters. Additionally, the agreement includes provisions to improve intellectual property protections and reduce trade barriers between the two countries.

The agreement has been met with mixed reactions from both sides. Supporters say that it will reduce illegal immigration and create new business opportunities for both countries. However, critics argue that the agreement does little to address the root causes of illegal immigration and that it may harm American businesses by increasing competition from Mexican companies.

Overall, the new agreement represents a significant step forward for trade and immigration relations between the United States and Mexico. As the details of the agreement continue to be ironed out, it will be interesting to see how it impacts both countries in the long term.